Monday, December 07, 2009
THE BIG 5-OH by Sandra D. Bricker YOWZA! SMOKIN'!
The Big 5-OH is probably Sandra Bricker’s funniest most romantic story yet. Yep. You heard me. I didn’t think she could get any funnier or write a novel with even more romance in it than her other ones. But she’s outdone herself with this one.
Once again, my husband made me stop reading in bed because I laughed so hard I was keeping him awake. I was so bummed since I normally do most of my reading in bed. Then I thought, I can do this. I can control my laughter. I know I can. Well, I was wrong. I couldn’t contain myself. So when hubby gave me that look, I read him one of the scenes that had me guffawing uncontrollably, and the two of us laughed until our laughter sounded as wheezy as Snidely the cartoon dog.
In The Big 5-OH you will meet some of the funniest, coolest, orneriest, interesting characters ever. Take for example…
Olivia Wallace. All her life her birthday ends up with some sort of catastrophe or another. And she doesn’t expect the Big 50 to be any different. When her next door neighbor finally convinces her to take a vacation, to spend her 50th birthday, in Florida, Olivia heads out to Florida, where she meets some really interesting people and pets.
First we’ll start with Jared…aka…Drop-dead-gorgeous, M.D., neighbor extraordinaire.
Next there’s Boofer who has, well, let’s just say a problem that no one would want to subject themselves to. Not on purpose anyway. And the space collar it wears adds even more character to the pet’s many charms. And I won’t even mention the rest of the critters she encounters. Human or otherwise.
And we mustn’t forget the trespassing old man who swims laps in Olivia’s pool at the most ungodliness hour ever no matter how many times she asks him not to.
And…I think I’ll stop there. Read it for yourself to discover the rest of the cast.
Let me leave you with this thought…when I buy a romance book, I want it to be filled with romance. And if it has a good dose of humor in it, that’s even better. Well, this book, The Big 5-OH by Sandra Bricker is loaded with humor and sweet romance throughout the whole novel. So, if you’re looking for a great read, then look no further. The Big 5-OH will not disappoint.
Until next time...
See ya ~ ~ ~
Debra Ullrick 2nd place winner in the 16th Annual Heartsong Awards Favorite New Author category
The Bride Wore Coveralls, 2nd place winner in the 16th Annual Heartsong Awards Favorite Contemporary Romance category
Déjà vu Bride, the sequel to, The Bride Wore Coveralls, Spirit Light Books
Dixie Hearts, Barbour publishing
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~ ~ ~
Monday, November 30, 2009
Menu for Romance by Kaye Dacus is just as good, if not better than, Stand-in Groom—the first story in the Brides of Bonneterre series. Kaye is an amazingly gifted writer who keeps her readers spell bound, and weaves sweet romance throughout her stories.
Menu for Romance, is one of those stories that you can’t stop reading. It’s a real keeper. In fact, I liked it so much, I’m going to read it again. And I can hardly wait for her next book to come out.
Meredith Guidry is having a one way, secret love affair with Chef Major O’Hara, but only in her dreams. Resolved to marry before the end of the year, Mere gives up her fantasies about marrying Major. When her handsome remodeling contractor, Ward, asks her out on a date, she decides it’s time to start distancing herself from Major, so she goes out with Ward, hoping to find love. And he just might be the man for her…that is…if she can ever stop thinking about Major long enough to get to know Ward. Will she open her heart to Ward? Or will she remain single the rest of her life?
Major O’Hara is in love with Meredith, but because of his position—working for her and her family—he forces himself to keep things on a professional level. Besides he has a heart-wrenching and devastatingly embarrassing secret that would keep him from committing to any woman, let alone the beautiful Meredith Guidry. Plus he knows if Meredith ever discovers his secret, she will never forgive him for deceiving her.
If you like romance, this book is for you.
Great job, Kaye. Keep up the awesome work!
Until next time...
See ya ~ ~ ~
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
The Bride Wore Coveralls is now available in Large print
I just had to share my exciting news. Today, I got my author copies of The Bride Wore Coveralls Large Print edition.
Who would have thought that one story would make it so many places. First published by Heartsong Presents, then Barbour Publishing (Dixie Hearts) and now Thorndike Press Large Print.
God is so good!
I love the cover.
Oh, I'll be posting a three more book reviews shortly. So please check back.
Until next time...
See ya ~ ~ ~
Debra Ullrick 2nd place winner in the 16th Annual Heartsong Awards Favorite New Author category
The Bride Wore Coveralls, 2nd place winner in the 16th Annual Heartsong Awards Favorite Contemporary Romance category
Déjà vu Bride, the sequel to, The Bride Wore Coveralls, Spirit Light Books
Dixie Hearts, Barbour publishing
( (
~ ~ ~
Who would have thought that one story would make it so many places. First published by Heartsong Presents, then Barbour Publishing (Dixie Hearts) and now Thorndike Press Large Print.
God is so good!
I love the cover.
Oh, I'll be posting a three more book reviews shortly. So please check back.
Until next time...
See ya ~ ~ ~
Debra Ullrick 2nd place winner in the 16th Annual Heartsong Awards Favorite New Author category
The Bride Wore Coveralls, 2nd place winner in the 16th Annual Heartsong Awards Favorite Contemporary Romance category
Déjà vu Bride, the sequel to, The Bride Wore Coveralls, Spirit Light Books
Dixie Hearts, Barbour publishing
( (
~ ~ ~
Friday, November 13, 2009
A friend sent this. I thought it was worth sharing.
Twas the month before Christmas*
*When all through our land,*
*Not a Christian was praying*
*Nor taking a stand.*
*See the PC Police had taken away,*
*The reason for Christmas - no one could say.*
*The children were told by their schools not to sing,*
*About Shepherds and Wise Men and Angels and things.*
*It might hurt people's feelings, the teachers would say*
* December 25th is just a ' Holiday '.*
*Yet the shoppers were ready with cash, checks and credit*
*Pushing folks down to the floor just to get it!*
*CDs from Madonna, an X BOX, an I-pod*
*Something was changing, something quite odd! *
*Retailers promoted Ramadan and Kwanzaa*
*In hopes to sell books by Franken & Fonda.*
*As Targets were hanging their trees upside down*
* At Lowe's the word Christmas - was no where to be found.*
*At K-Mart and Staples and Penny's and Sears*
*You won't hear the word Christmas; it won't touch your ears.*
*Inclusive, sensitive, Di-ver-si-ty*
*Are words that were used to intimidate me.*
*Now Daschle, Now Darden, Now Sharpton, Wolf Blitzen*
*On Boxer, on Rather, on Kerry, on Clinton !*
*At the top of the Senate, there arose such a clatter*
*To eliminate Jesus, in all public matter.*
*And we spoke not a word, as they took away our faith*
* Forbidden to speak of salvation and grace*
*The true Gift of Christmas was exchanged and discarded*
*The reason for the season, stopped before it started.*
*So as you celebrate 'Winter Break' under your 'Dream Tree'*
*Sipping your Starbucks, listen to me.*
*Choose your words carefully, choose what you say*
not Happy Holiday !*
Please, all Christians join together and
wish everyone you meet during the
holidays a
Christ is The Reason for the Christ-mas Season!
Until next time...
See ya ~ ~ ~
Debra Ullrick 2nd place winner in the 16th Annual Heartsong Awards Favorite New Author category
The Bride Wore Coveralls, 2nd place winner in the 16th Annual Heartsong Awards Favorite Contemporary Romance category
Déjà vu Bride, the sequel to, The Bride Wore Coveralls, Spirit Light Books
Dixie Hearts, Barbour publishing
~ ~ ~
*When all through our land,*
*Not a Christian was praying*
*Nor taking a stand.*
*See the PC Police had taken away,*
*The reason for Christmas - no one could say.*
*The children were told by their schools not to sing,*
*About Shepherds and Wise Men and Angels and things.*
*It might hurt people's feelings, the teachers would say*
* December 25th is just a ' Holiday '.*
*Yet the shoppers were ready with cash, checks and credit*
*Pushing folks down to the floor just to get it!*
*CDs from Madonna, an X BOX, an I-pod*
*Something was changing, something quite odd! *
*Retailers promoted Ramadan and Kwanzaa*
*In hopes to sell books by Franken & Fonda.*
*As Targets were hanging their trees upside down*
* At Lowe's the word Christmas - was no where to be found.*
*At K-Mart and Staples and Penny's and Sears*
*You won't hear the word Christmas; it won't touch your ears.*
*Inclusive, sensitive, Di-ver-si-ty*
*Are words that were used to intimidate me.*
*Now Daschle, Now Darden, Now Sharpton, Wolf Blitzen*
*On Boxer, on Rather, on Kerry, on Clinton !*
*At the top of the Senate, there arose such a clatter*
*To eliminate Jesus, in all public matter.*
*And we spoke not a word, as they took away our faith*
* Forbidden to speak of salvation and grace*
*The true Gift of Christmas was exchanged and discarded*
*The reason for the season, stopped before it started.*
*So as you celebrate 'Winter Break' under your 'Dream Tree'*
*Sipping your Starbucks, listen to me.*
*Choose your words carefully, choose what you say*
not Happy Holiday !*
Please, all Christians join together and
wish everyone you meet during the
holidays a
Christ is The Reason for the Christ-mas Season!
Until next time...
See ya ~ ~ ~
Debra Ullrick 2nd place winner in the 16th Annual Heartsong Awards Favorite New Author category
The Bride Wore Coveralls, 2nd place winner in the 16th Annual Heartsong Awards Favorite Contemporary Romance category
Déjà vu Bride, the sequel to, The Bride Wore Coveralls, Spirit Light Books
Dixie Hearts, Barbour publishing
~ ~ ~
Thursday, November 05, 2009
OMG. I laughed so hard. In fact, I had to stop reading, Love Finds You in Holiday Florida, in bed because I laughed so much I was keeping my hubby up. And those kissing scenes. Oooo la la. Smokin’. All I can say is…Sandra Bricker has done it again. Done what you may ask. She’s written another fabulous story, that’s what. She has such a way of creating the most memorable, fun-loving characters. Characters you want to revisit time and time again.
In Love Finds You in Holiday Florida, you’ll meet Cassie, who travels from her home in Boston, to Holiday Florida to sell her summer house. In order to sell it she wants to do some remodeling to get the best price. Therefore, she will be staying in Holiday over the holiday season. When a loud crash snags her attention, she looks out the window, and sees part of her dock disappearing, along with a pontoon boat. Next to vanish is Cassie’s normal life. And that’s not the only thing disappearing. Pink Flamingos disappear and reappear in the strangest places in Cassie’s yard. Why and how do they keep mysteriously showing up?
At the disengaged dock, Cassie meets a man who is totally opposite of her. Or is he? From that point on her adventure begins. An adventure she didn’t count on. One that will change the course of her life forever. Why?
How many toes does the poor woman, Cassie, step on? And just where, and why, is she stepping on these toes? Cassie rescues a naked woman from…AS IF! I’m not telling you what she’s rescuing her from or why the lady is naked. All I can tell you is, if want to know the answer to those questions, and if you want to discover what a Surprise Yourself box is, then read Sandra’s story.
Finally, can Richard, the serious, have-it-all-together man talk Cassie into to staying? Or will the lies being spread about him have her fleeing back home? AS IF! I’m not telling.
Trust me, if you want a good laugh, and you want to spend time with amazing people, and read a book from a gal who knows how to tell a fabulous story, then make haste—buy a copy of Love Finds You in Holiday Florida by Sandra D. Bricker. You’ll love it! I sure did.
Until next time...
See ya~ ~ ~
Debra Ullrick 2nd place winner in the 16th Annual Heartsong Awards Favorite New Author category
The Bride Wore Coveralls, 2nd place winner in the 16th Annual Heartsong Awards Favorite Contemporary Romance category
Déjà vu Bride, the sequel to, The Bride Wore Coveralls, Spirit Light Books
Dixie Hearts, Barbour publishing
( (
~ ~ ~
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Sunset Beach by Trish Perry
Sunset Beach by Trish Perry is as delightful as an ocean breeze. If you want a nice relaxing read with fabulous characters, wonderful surprises, and a delicious plot, then you will love this book. I know I sure did. Trish never fails to delight her readers, and Sunset Beach is no exception.
Trish’s heroine, Sonny Miller, wants answers to her life. Therefore, she invites her mother to Sunset Beach under the guise of wanting to spend time with her. But Sonny has ulterior motives—motives that her mother is not going to be pleased with. And yet, Sonny is willing to take that risk. What is so important to Sonny that she’s willing to jeopardize alienating her mother over? And will her well-laid plans backfire on her?
Grig, aka Mr. Gorgeous, suddenly shows up at Sunset Beach. Why? Is he there because of Sonny, or someone else? If so, who? And why?
Teresa, Sonny’s mother, has a few surprises of her own in store for her daughter. What are they? Can Sonny handle them all, or will Sonny crack under the strain of the past secrets?
Things start disappearing mysteriously. Who’s taking these things, and why?
And who’s this Zeke guy who keeps showing up at the most interesting times? Are his appearances by chance, or by Divine order? You decide.
Either way, if you want to know the answer to these questions and all the others, buy Sunset Beach by Trish Perry to find out. You won’t be sorry.
Until next time...
See ya~ ~ ~
Debra Ullrick 2nd place winner in the 16th Annual Heartsong Awards Favorite New Author category
The Bride Wore Coveralls, 2nd place winner in the 16th Annual Heartsong Awards Favorite Contemporary Romance category
Déjà vu Bride, the sequel to, The Bride Wore Coveralls, Spirit Light Books
Dixie Hearts, Barbour publishing
~ ~ ~
Monday, September 21, 2009
Mystery prize and winner unveiling....
And the winner of the Kim Woodhouse mystery prize is...
Now the unveiling of this fabulous prize.
Two CD's from our very own Kim Woodhouse. Kim has a beautifully, gifted voice and she sings with such passion. She also plays the piano, flute and guitar. These CD's are SO anointed and SO beautiful. Her songs and angelic voice penetrates my spirit and touches me deeply.
Thank you, Kim, for donating these lovely CD's.
Okay, so, the first CD is titled:
You Are
It includes...
Is There Anything Too Hard For Me (My favorite)
Whose I Am
You'll Always Be There
eleven more fabulous songs.
The second CD is titled:
For His Glory - Hymns For All Time
Amazing Grace
It Is Well
Jesus Paid It All
seven more beautiful songs.
For anyone who has ever struggled, and even for those who haven't, if you haven't read Kimberely's book, Welcome Home, Woodhouse Family, then you should. And if you know someone who is hurting and feels like all hope is gone, give them a copy of Kim's book. It truly blessed me and helped me to see God in a whole new light.
Thank you, Kim.
And thank you everyone who stopped by to read Kim's interview. Please stop by again.
Shortly, I will be posting four reviews.
Sunset Beach by Trish Perry
Menu For Romance by Kaye Dacus
Ransome's Honor by Kaye Dacus
The Transformation by Terri Kraus
God bless you all!
Until next time...
See ya ~ ~ ~
Debra Ullrick 2nd place winner in the 16th Annual Heartsong Awards Favorite New Author category
The Bride Wore Coveralls, 2nd place winner in the 16th Annual Heartsong Awards Favorite Contemporary Romance category
Déjà vu Bride, the sequel to, The Bride Wore Coveralls, Spirit Light Books
Dixie Hearts, Barbour publishing
( (
~ ~ ~
Now the unveiling of this fabulous prize.
Two CD's from our very own Kim Woodhouse. Kim has a beautifully, gifted voice and she sings with such passion. She also plays the piano, flute and guitar. These CD's are SO anointed and SO beautiful. Her songs and angelic voice penetrates my spirit and touches me deeply.
Thank you, Kim, for donating these lovely CD's.
Okay, so, the first CD is titled:
You Are
It includes...
Is There Anything Too Hard For Me (My favorite)
Whose I Am
You'll Always Be There
eleven more fabulous songs.
The second CD is titled:
For His Glory - Hymns For All Time
Amazing Grace
It Is Well
Jesus Paid It All
seven more beautiful songs.
For anyone who has ever struggled, and even for those who haven't, if you haven't read Kimberely's book, Welcome Home, Woodhouse Family, then you should. And if you know someone who is hurting and feels like all hope is gone, give them a copy of Kim's book. It truly blessed me and helped me to see God in a whole new light.
Thank you, Kim.
And thank you everyone who stopped by to read Kim's interview. Please stop by again.
Shortly, I will be posting four reviews.
Sunset Beach by Trish Perry
Menu For Romance by Kaye Dacus
Ransome's Honor by Kaye Dacus
The Transformation by Terri Kraus
God bless you all!
Until next time...
See ya ~ ~ ~
Debra Ullrick 2nd place winner in the 16th Annual Heartsong Awards Favorite New Author category
The Bride Wore Coveralls, 2nd place winner in the 16th Annual Heartsong Awards Favorite Contemporary Romance category
Déjà vu Bride, the sequel to, The Bride Wore Coveralls, Spirit Light Books
Dixie Hearts, Barbour publishing
( (
~ ~ ~
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
It is a privilege and honor to host Kimberley Woodhouse on my blog. Thank you, Kimberley!

A little bit about Kimberley:
Kimberley Woodhouse is a wife, mother, author, and musician with a quick wit and positive outlook despite difficult circumstances. A popular speaker, she’s shared at more than 600 venues across the country. Kimberley and her family's story have garnered national media attention for many years, but most recently her family was chosen for ABC's Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, The Montel Williams Show, and Discovery Health channel’s Mystery ER. Welcome Home: Our Family’s Journey to Extreme Joy, releases from Tyndale House Publishers September first. In addition to her non-fiction, she also writes romantic suspense and children’s books. Kimberley lives, writes, and homeschools in Colorado with her husband and two children in their truly “extreme” home.
The theme throughout Kimberley's book, WOODHOUSE FAMILY - WELCOME HOME is "considering it all joy when you go through various trials".
Kimberley, other than considering it all joy when going through various trials, what else would you say to someone who has or is enduring one tribulation after another?
Did you ever get angry at God or blame God for the trials you endured? Or go into a deep depression? If so, how did you deal with it? If not, why?
If you could visit with any historical figure, who would it be and why?
If you could change places with anyone, who would it be and why?
What writing projects are you working on now? Any new releases in the near future? If so, tell us about them.
No, thank you, Kimberley. *smiling*

Overwhelming trials . . . met with overcoming joy.
Kayla Woodhouse is not your typical twelve-year-old. Due to a rare medical disorder, she feels no pain, doesn’t sweat, and needs protective cooling gear just to go outside. With her restrictive lifestyle; countless hospitalizations, including brain surgery; and the resulting mountain of hospital bills, what’s a family to do?
How the Woodhouse family has faced seemingly impossible challenges is a story that has captured the hearts of America. Millions of people have experienced glimpses of their lives on Discovery’s Mystery ER, The Montel Williams Show, and Extreme Makeover: Home Edition (recently voted one of the show’s all-time best episodes!).
Now Kayla’s mom, Kimberley, takes readers behind the cameras to reveal their family’s journey as never before told. From medical sleuthing to cross-country moves, from freak fires to battles with insurance companies, Welcome Home proves that truth really is stranger than fiction. This candid life story reveals both success and failure and demonstrates how, even during tough circumstances, to shift your life from heartbreak to extreme joy.
Peek inside the Woodhouse family’s life (and their famous house) with a 16-page photo insert.
Want to see what real faith is. Real faith in action is when things don’t always go our way and yet we trust God anyway. That’s what Kim’s book has taught me.
It really helped me see God in a whole new light. Having come from a teaching that has all but destroyed my faith in a loving God, through Kim’s testimony, I saw a woman who, in spite of many horrific trials and tribulations, never lost faith in her God. Instead of turning away from Him, she turned to Him. Isn't that what real faith is? When you still trust in God when everything seems to be falling apart around you? Kim found comfort in His word, in prayer, and in God himself. Plus, Kim didn't have faith in her faith and in her works. Kim taught me that God is in control - not me in control through my works. What a load that takes off of my shoulders.
Because of Kim’s book, for the first time in a long time, I'm reading the Word again. I'm enjoying it again. And, I've learned my name isn't Woe unto you, or Hypocrite. It's Beloved.
Most of all, Kim’s book showed me that I can make it through any trial because the joy of the Lord is my strength.
If you haven't already, check out Kim's book, WOODHOUSE FAMILY ~ WELCOME HOME
I highly recommend it!
If you leave a comment mentioning something in this post that either blessed you or really stuck with you, I will enter your name into my surprise gift drawing.
Thank you everyone for stopping by.
Until next time...
See ya ~ ~ ~
Debra Ullrick 2nd place winner in the 16th Annual Heartsong Awards Favorite New Author category
The Bride Wore Coveralls, 2nd place winner in the 16th Annual Heartsong Awards Favorite Contemporary Romance category
Déjà vu Bride, the sequel to, The Bride Wore Coveralls, Spirit Light Books
Dixie Hearts, Barbour publishing
( (
~ ~ ~

A little bit about Kimberley:
Kimberley Woodhouse is a wife, mother, author, and musician with a quick wit and positive outlook despite difficult circumstances. A popular speaker, she’s shared at more than 600 venues across the country. Kimberley and her family's story have garnered national media attention for many years, but most recently her family was chosen for ABC's Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, The Montel Williams Show, and Discovery Health channel’s Mystery ER. Welcome Home: Our Family’s Journey to Extreme Joy, releases from Tyndale House Publishers September first. In addition to her non-fiction, she also writes romantic suspense and children’s books. Kimberley lives, writes, and homeschools in Colorado with her husband and two children in their truly “extreme” home.
The theme throughout Kimberley's book, WOODHOUSE FAMILY - WELCOME HOME is "considering it all joy when you go through various trials".
Kimberley, other than considering it all joy when going through various trials, what else would you say to someone who has or is enduring one tribulation after another?
Don’t lose hope. There are many times that we think we are at the end of our rope, but we’re not. A lot of Christians over the years have used the phrase, “God’s not going to give you more than you can handle.” But I think that phrase is inaccurate – you see, I would’ve given up a long time ago, if that were the case. As human beings we are weak, and the crises of this world can pull us down into the muck and mire where we can’t see the light, but He is strong and wants us to rely on Him. The phrase I like to use is, “God’s not going to give you more than He can handle.” Because if we cast our burdens upon him like He instructs, we really can make it through.
Did you ever get angry at God or blame God for the trials you endured? Or go into a deep depression? If so, how did you deal with it? If not, why?
I never got angry, but I did ask the question, why. And it’s okay to question. He understands our thoughts and feelings and questions better than anybody else. He is waiting with open arms to shelter, comfort, and protect us. But so many times, in our flesh, we want to control the situation, and we simply can’t. I know that’s where I failed a lot. Trying to take control of things, thinking I needed to fix them. But each and every time, He showed me that wasn’t my job, I needed to let things go.
I went through post-partum depression after both my kids were born. With Kayla it was more severe than with Josh. During those times, I did a lot of questioning. But what a beautiful thing the Lord was orchestrating during that time—He was saving Kayla’s life. I would go through all of that again, with all the heartache and questioning, because I know what He did through that.
I’ve spoken all over the country sharing our story, and there are many times that people will make comments like, “Well, we’re just going to pray for complete healing for Kayla.” Or “If you just prayed like this _____ , I bet the Lord would heal her.” I know those people have the best intentions, but comments like that always make you doubt. Was my faith not strong enough? Did I do something wrong? But then clarity comes through, and the Lord reminds me that He is in control. He made Kayla, He knows everything about her, better than any doctor on the face of this planet. And He has used her beautiful testimony to His glory. Our God is the Great Physician, and if He chose to heal her, I know it could happen this very second. But I also know that healing her completely may not be His will, and I am okay with that. I am resting in the fact that He is God and I am not. Praise the Lord for what He’s done, and what He’s going to do.
If you could visit with any historical figure, who would it be and why?
I would say, Jesus. I would love to sit at His feet and soak up His teaching.
If you could change places with anyone, who would it be and why?
I don’t think I would. It’s tough enough to walk in my own shoes, I know I would be inadequate walking in anyone else’s.
What writing projects are you working on now? Any new releases in the near future? If so, tell us about them.
I’m working on a parenting encouragement (non-fiction) book right now, and a romantic suspense (fiction) set in Alaska. Please watch my website – for announcements of new releases.
Thank you so much!
No, thank you, Kimberley. *smiling*

Overwhelming trials . . . met with overcoming joy.
Kayla Woodhouse is not your typical twelve-year-old. Due to a rare medical disorder, she feels no pain, doesn’t sweat, and needs protective cooling gear just to go outside. With her restrictive lifestyle; countless hospitalizations, including brain surgery; and the resulting mountain of hospital bills, what’s a family to do?
How the Woodhouse family has faced seemingly impossible challenges is a story that has captured the hearts of America. Millions of people have experienced glimpses of their lives on Discovery’s Mystery ER, The Montel Williams Show, and Extreme Makeover: Home Edition (recently voted one of the show’s all-time best episodes!).
Now Kayla’s mom, Kimberley, takes readers behind the cameras to reveal their family’s journey as never before told. From medical sleuthing to cross-country moves, from freak fires to battles with insurance companies, Welcome Home proves that truth really is stranger than fiction. This candid life story reveals both success and failure and demonstrates how, even during tough circumstances, to shift your life from heartbreak to extreme joy.
Peek inside the Woodhouse family’s life (and their famous house) with a 16-page photo insert.
Want to see what real faith is. Real faith in action is when things don’t always go our way and yet we trust God anyway. That’s what Kim’s book has taught me.
It really helped me see God in a whole new light. Having come from a teaching that has all but destroyed my faith in a loving God, through Kim’s testimony, I saw a woman who, in spite of many horrific trials and tribulations, never lost faith in her God. Instead of turning away from Him, she turned to Him. Isn't that what real faith is? When you still trust in God when everything seems to be falling apart around you? Kim found comfort in His word, in prayer, and in God himself. Plus, Kim didn't have faith in her faith and in her works. Kim taught me that God is in control - not me in control through my works. What a load that takes off of my shoulders.
Because of Kim’s book, for the first time in a long time, I'm reading the Word again. I'm enjoying it again. And, I've learned my name isn't Woe unto you, or Hypocrite. It's Beloved.
Most of all, Kim’s book showed me that I can make it through any trial because the joy of the Lord is my strength.
If you haven't already, check out Kim's book, WOODHOUSE FAMILY ~ WELCOME HOME
I highly recommend it!
If you leave a comment mentioning something in this post that either blessed you or really stuck with you, I will enter your name into my surprise gift drawing.
Thank you everyone for stopping by.
Until next time...
See ya ~ ~ ~
Debra Ullrick 2nd place winner in the 16th Annual Heartsong Awards Favorite New Author category
The Bride Wore Coveralls, 2nd place winner in the 16th Annual Heartsong Awards Favorite Contemporary Romance category
Déjà vu Bride, the sequel to, The Bride Wore Coveralls, Spirit Light Books
Dixie Hearts, Barbour publishing
( (
~ ~ ~
Home Makeover,
Kimberley Woodhouse
Sunday, July 26, 2009

Michelle, you refer to yourself as an edgy Christian author. What’s edgy about your writing?
I love to write about things that Christians don’t like to talk about or tend to ignore as if Christians never struggle in those areas. Yeah, that’s kinda vague but it’s because I cover so many topics it’d take awhile for me to list them all.
When did you know you wanted to write?
Let’s see…in 2003 I was six years younger than I am now so that would be when I was 36 years young.
Where do you get your ideas?
From real life situations.
What do you want people to see in your writing?
The grace of God and the unconditional love only He can give.
If someone came up to you and said, I have this story I’ve written and I want to get it published. What would you say to them?
I would laugh hysterically and ask them what in the world they are thinking (I am KIDDING!) Seriously, I would say go for it! Don’t hold back! Write the book of your heart.
If you could interview any actor, who would it be, and why?
Hmmm….I kind of like Trent Ford. He’s a cutie and he’d be the guy who would be Dan if my books were made into movies.
If you could be any person in the world, who would want to be, and why?
I like being myself. I would love to be about twenty to thirty pounds thinner, though.

Don't you just love the cover of DANGER AT THE DOOR? That alone makes me want to read the book.
You have several books coming out with Desert Breeze, an e-book publisher. What would you say to someone who thinks e-books are career suicide?
I think that e-books are great because #1 – no book signings are required, 2 – no postage costs are required, 3 – they can release at the same time as other books but require a lot less time in regards to promotion because they aren’t in bookstores, 4 – they reach an entirely different audience. Most people who read e-books don’t read regular hardbound books anymore so they would miss out on my stories if all I wrote were books that were printed and sold in stores.
What books have you written that still need a home?
Not many these days. I’d say three or four.
What do you want people to know about you? And why?
I’m Deb Ullrick’s favorite phone buddy. I want everyone to know I’ve got first dibs on Deb’s telephone time and I’m the only one who can call her gorgeous and mean it (and not be weird about it.)
Tell us a bit about your family.
I’ve got an awesome hubby who packs me a lunch every day for work and who does a lot of stuff around the house so I can write, do the magazine, etc. He’s very supportive. I’ve got two teens (Junior and Senior in High School) and they are great kids!

Tell us about your upcoming books and where we can buy them.
Too many to count at this point. Look me up on and as the books release you will see them added to my author profile. ;)
Okay, that was a lazy answer. Here is the list.
It's Not About Me - (2008)
Danger at the Door - Desert Breeze (August 2009)
It's Not About Him - Sheaf House (Sept 2009)
First Impressions - Desert Breeze (Jan 2010)
In Plain Sight - Desert Breeze (April 2010)
It's Not About Her - Sheaf House (Sept 2010)
First Love -Desert Breeze (Oct 2010)
First Response - Desert Breeze (June 2011)
Lover of My Soul - Sheaf House (2011)
I'm a huge fan of Michelle, and of all of her books. (Hi, Michelle. Waving profusely over here.) This lady has class when it comes to addressing situations that most people don't want to talk about. She pushes things to the edge in a positive way and entertains you at the same time.
Check out all of her books. To purchase them, you can click the links on her website at
Hope you've enjoyed this interview with Michelle. Be sure to check out her website.
Thanks for stopping by.
Until next time...
See ya~~~
Debra Ullrick 2nd place winner in the 16th Annual Heartsong Awards Favorite New Author category
The Bride Wore Coveralls, 2nd place winner in the 16th Annual Heartsong Awards Favorite Contemporary Romance category
Déjà vu Bride, the sequel to, The Bride Wore Coveralls, Spirit Light Books
Dixie Hearts, Barbour publishing
~ ~ ~
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Winner of $15 gift certificate is....
...Drum roll please.
The certificate has been sent to the email address you provided. Please let me know when you get it, okay? Thank you.
A ginormous thank you to everyone who participated in Betsy St. Amant's interview.
Until next time...
See ya~~~
Debra Ullrick 2nd place winner in the 16th Annual Heartsong Awards Favorite New Author category
The Bride Wore Coveralls, 2nd place winner in the 16th Annual Heartsong Awards Favorite Contemporary Romance category
Déjà vu Bride, the sequel to, The Bride Wore Coveralls, Spirit Light Books
Dixie Hearts, Barbour publishing
The certificate has been sent to the email address you provided. Please let me know when you get it, okay? Thank you.
A ginormous thank you to everyone who participated in Betsy St. Amant's interview.
Until next time...
See ya~~~
Debra Ullrick 2nd place winner in the 16th Annual Heartsong Awards Favorite New Author category
The Bride Wore Coveralls, 2nd place winner in the 16th Annual Heartsong Awards Favorite Contemporary Romance category
Déjà vu Bride, the sequel to, The Bride Wore Coveralls, Spirit Light Books
Dixie Hearts, Barbour publishing
Monday, July 20, 2009
Talking to the Dead by Bonnie Grove

Don't you just love the cover! I think it's one of the best ones I've seen.
Wow, talk about an excellent book. This one is it.
This commentary will not be written in my normal review style. Why, because I didn’t start out to review this book. I only wanted to let people know that Talking to the Dead is a blow me away, keep me glued in my chair, chewing on my nails, get me a rock to throw at the jerks that are treating Kate so poorly kind of read. All I can say is, I hope they get there's in the end. That poor woman and what she goes through. Isn't there anyone that poor girl can trust? Where's the love? Horsewhipping comes to mind.
What am I talking about? Read the book and find out. It's the best money you'll ever spend.
I know this is cliché, but I don’t care. I literally could not put Talking to the Dead down. Bonnie Grove’s style is fantastic! Her writing is amazing, and her storytelling skills are out of this world!
Fabulous, fabulous job, Bonnie! Can't wait to read your next book.
In case anyone's is wondering, I haven't forgotten about the gift certificate drawing. I've given it a few more days because a few more comments have come in and I want to give everyone a chance to win. I will announce the winner on my blog and I will contact them.
Thank you.
Until next time...
See ya~~~
Debra Ullrick 2nd place winner in the 16th Annual Heartsong Awards Favorite New Author category
The Bride Wore Coveralls, 2nd place winner in the 16th Annual Heartsong Awards Favorite Contemporary Romance category
Déjà vu Bride, the sequel to, The Bride Wore Coveralls, Spirit Light Books
Dixie Hearts, Barbour publishing
~ ~ ~
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
RETURN TO LOVE by Betsy St. Amant

Welcome everyone. What an honor it is for me to host Betsy St. Amant. I've known Betsy for a few years now, and I've read several of her works and absolutely loved everyone of them.
Betsy St. Amant lives in Louisiana and is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers. Her contemporary romance RETURN TO LOVE is under contract with Steeple Hill Love Inspired for a July 2009 release, and the sequel A VALENTINE’S WISH is contracted for a February 2010 release. Betsy has also been published in the Christian Communicator magazine and Praise Reports: Inspiring Real Life Stories of How God Answers Prayer. One of her short stories, Kickboxing or Chocolate, appears in a Tyndale compilation book, and she is also multi-published through The Wild Rose Press. Betsy has a B.A. in Christian Communications and regularly contributes articles to Betsy is a wife, author, new mother, and avid reader who enjoys sharing the wonders of God’s grace through her stories.
What I want to know first, Betsy, is this... When did your love affair with polka dot shoes begin? ~wink wink~
I think the love has always been in my heart! Haha! I just love shoes, and when I found that red and white polka dot pair of heels, well…they complete me. Sigh. ::winks back::
(I can't help it, Betsy, I have this image of a hundred different pairs of unique style, polka dotted shoes, neatly lining your closet shelves. *smiling*)
What is your fantasy dream vacation? And why?
Europe. Germany and Ireland first. There is something so fascinating about those old world countries. Very mysterious and intriguing. I’d probably come back from there with a dozen new story ideas. Wait. Maybe I shouldn’t go until I fulfill my existing contracts first, then. =)
(Who knows, if you go now, you might be inspired to get your other stories completed faster. After all, I bet the castle walls in Ireland have many tales to tell. Enought to keep you busy for quite some time anyway.)
When did you know you wanted to be a writer?
I’ve always known, I think! I started writing when I was seven years old, short stories and poetry and little fun things like that. I haven’t stopped yet!(I hope you never do, either. *smiling*)
What are some of the challenges you face with your writing as a new mother?
TIME! And ENERGY! The same ol’ that I’m sure every mother faces with whatever career they choose. Even if your baby sleeps really great like mine does, you just stay tired anyway. But eventually, you get used to it and you press on and somehow reserve enough brain power to write books. =) I wouldn’t trade my Little Miss for all the sleep in the world.(My daughter's thirty years old, and I struggle with some of the same issues. Time and energy. What are those again? It's been so long since I've had them that I've forgotten. hehe)
Any tips for other young mothers who want to pursue a writing career?
Just hang in there! It gets easier. And harder. Wait, that wasn’t very encouraging. Haha! Seriously though, when you make time for God first, He gives you time warps and somehow everything manages to get done. Writing, housework, baby fun time. It really is possible through Christ.
(Excellent advice.)
Any rejections? If so, how did you handle them? And what would you say to someone who’s just received a rejection?
Of course I have them! Enough to wallpaper my house. Or my agent’s. Maybe both. You just shake it off and keep writing! Some bother me more than others. It just depends on if I was already having a rough day. Sometimes I can just close the email file and not think about it again, other times I will get another Diet Coke, find some chocolate, and vent to my critique buds before pressing on. But always, always, always – press on. You won’t ever get published if you quit submitting.
(No truer words were ever spoken. Or more frustrating. hehe)
Has publishing changed your life? If so, how?
It’s made life much more interesting and crazy, to be sure! All in good ways. Having to meet deadlines is actually working well for me. I’m apparently an “under pressure” type of writer. Haha. It’s also changed my life in a very positive way because between my book sales and my fireman hubby’s new second job, I’m going to stay home with my daughter and write full time! What an amazing blessing. God is good. As of July 2nd, I’ll be an official stay at home mommy! I can’t wait. If you ever met my little girl, you’d understand. She’s addicting. =)
(I can so relate. I'm much better under pressure too. That's when I do my best work.)
If a person came to you and expressed a desire to write, what would you say to them?
Run away!! Haha! Just kidding. I would say embrace your dream. Why not? Go for it. I believe God gives us dreams for a reason and we should honor Him with the talents we’ve received. So work it, sister! Join our crazy club!(Run away works for me too. hehe Jivin' right back at ya.)
We already know that your husband is your hero, when and where did you meet? And when did you fall in love with him? At first sight? Do you believe in love at first sight?
I want to say I believe in love at first sight, but I just don’t. It’s a romantic notion, to be sure, but I feel that true love is so much more than chemistry. There is definitely chemistry at first sight! But not love. Not REAL love. That takes commitment. Its more of a choice, I suppose. I guess that’s a bummer for a romance author to say! Haha. For my husband and me, we were friends first through church and then best friends in high school before dating. When I had my wisdom teeth taken out at age 18, he was right there beside me, bringing me chick flicks (and watching them with me!) and mint chocolate chip ice cream. Then he mowed the yard for my parents and my dad told me he was a keeper. So I listened. =)
(The chocolate chip ice cream would have sealed the deal for me. hehe)

Where did you get your idea for, RETURN TO LOVE?
I knew I wanted to write a love story about two childhood best friends finding their way back to each other. I first determined I wanted the setting to be in New Orleans, as that is a special city to me and my husband. (he proposed there!) Somehow the pieces all came together after that—with some revisions from my editor, of course! =)
Tell us about your book?
RETURN TO LOVE is about a woman who works as the penguin keeper at the Aquarium of the Americas. She is hosting a fundraiser gala to earn money for displaced penguins upstate. Unfortunately, her gala’s success—and the fate of her beloved birds—all boils down to her childhood best friend’s involvement. Carter is a famous musician who left the big time after turning his life over to God, and now he’s back in New Orleans for Gracie’s heart. But she’s still clinging to the broken pieces and refuses to trust him again. Will a batch of penguins and the mischievous intervention of her church’s youth group help Carter and Gracie return to love? Find out July 1st! =)
Upcoming books? Tell us about them, please.
With pleasure! Obviously my July release is RETURN TO LOVE. The sequel releases February 2010 for Valentine’s day, and is appropriately titled A VALENTINE’S WISH. Its Lori’s love story—Gracie’s best friend from RETURN TO LOVE, and is also set in New Orleans in a chocolate boutique in the French Quarter. Lori begins receiving gifts from a secret admirer. Are the gifts from the handsome Italian chef in the kitchen? Lori’s youth pastor best friend? Or her ex-fiancé, back for a second chance?
Also, I have a new story contracted for April 2010, entitled RODEO SWEETHEART, about a young woman desperate to save her family’s business—and the city slicker real estate agent from New York who is just as determined to buy it out from under her.
I’m sure you have many favorite books by other authors, would you be willing to name one, and tell us what it was you loved about that particular book and author?
The one that jumps to mind immediately is THE SHAPE OF MERCY by Susan Meissner. It’s a haunting, intriguing tale of a college student who is transcribing the diary of a young girl from the Salem Witch trials. It’s just fascinating. I highly recommend reading it.
My review of, RETURN TO LOVE:
I didn’t know Penguins had feathers. I do now though, thanks to Betsy St. Amant’s sweet romance story, Return To Love. This novel is definitely a “grab your favorite soda pop and chocolate bar” kind of read.
Betsy St. Amant is a talented and gifted writer and it definitely shows in her amazing novel, Return To Love.
I loved the whole concept of a “woman scorned” theme. Well actually, was Gracie Broussard really scorned? Because things aren’t as they appear, that’s for sure, and there’s more than meets the eye here. But what? Just when things look like they couldn’t possibly get worse, they do. Gracie’s finds herself, and the future of her precious penguins, at the mercy of her enemy, a man she despises, a man she wants absolutely nothing to do with. Will her heart get trampled all over again in the process? Or has the man really changed, or is it all a performance? After all, performance is his gig. Or is it? Gracie discovers something about someone she has always respected and loved? Who will she believe? A ghost? Or the man who betrayed her and crushed her heart?
When Carter Alexander spots Gracie feeding the Penguins, it’s purely by accident. Or is it divine intervention? As a changed man, he tries desperately to prove that to Gracie, but she’s not buying it. Can he use his past to save their relationship and the penguins that Gracie loves so dearly? Or will the scars of the past destroy everything?
Have I piqued your interest? Good. Now, if you want to know the answers to these questions, then make haste and purchase a copy of, Return To Love, to find out. You won’t regret it. (Sorry, the link thing on my blogger isn't working. To purchase a copy or to go to Betsy's website or blog, please copy and paste the addy's below.)
And last but definitely not can people find you on the Internet?
Thank you, Betsy. I look forward to reading your next book.
God bless.
Until next time...
See ya~~~
Debra Ullrick, 2nd place winner in the 16th Annual Heartsong Awards Favorite New Author category
The Bride Wore Coveralls, 2nd place winner in the 16th Annual Heartsong Awards Favorite Contemporary Romance category
Déjà vu Bride, the sequel to, The Bride Wore Coveralls, Spirit Light Books
Dixie Hearts, Barbour publishing
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Love Finds You in Treasure Island, Florida by Debby Mayne

Debby Mayne is a gifted and talented writer who has the ability to bring a setting to life. Her characters are people you want to spend time with and stay with you long after you’ve finished the book. Love Finds You in Treasure Island, Florida, is such a fun read that I finished it in two sittings and enjoyed every minute of it, laughing and grinning so much that I was certain my face resembled the Joker’s.
What can I say? I love this story! Why? Because….
Jerry Simpson is a real sweetheart, and his parents are a riot. However, will his devotion to his parent’s keep him from a relationship with Amanda? Will Jerry allow an incident to keep him from Amanda forever? And just who is this Matthew fellow to Amanda? Is she in love with him?
When love strolls into Amanda Burns’ bicycle shop in the form of Jerry Simpson, will she watch it stroll right out again even though she’s deeply attracted to him? Something holds Amanda back from giving her heart to him, or to any other man. Can she let whatever is holding her back go before it’s too late?
Mr. Simpson, Jerry’s father, is obsessed with searching for treasure. Will he ever find it? And if so, will it be everything he ever imagined?
Mrs. Simpson, Jerry’s mother, goes into the matchmaking business, and her scheming antics are hilarious. She’s bound and determined to see two people she loves get hitched. Just how far will she go in accomplishing this task? And what risks are involved?
Lacy, Amanda’s sister has her own romance going on. Does her spoiled ways and selfishness destroy any chances of a long-lasting relationship?
Timmy is a troubled child. When he meets a certain person, something happens? What? And is this person a good influence for Timmy or a bad one?
You can find the answers to these questions in, Love Finds You in Treasure Island, Florida. This story is a super fun, relaxing, giggle a minute read.
Until next time...
See ya~~~
Friday, May 01, 2009
A PASSION DENIED by Julie Lessman

Julie Lessman has done it again. A Passion Denied, is smokin’ hot, has more twists and turns than a roller coaster on speed, and more passion than newlyweds on their honeymoon. But the passion isn’t just physical; it’s spiritual, emotional, and logical, with a twist of vixen and seduction. Julie takes passion to the edge. An edge you want to revisit time and again.
I absolutely love reading stories where strong romance is threaded throughout the entire book. A Passion Denied, is definitely one of the best of this kind. I know this will sound cliché, but I truly could not put this book down. Julie’s characters are unforgettable, and there wasn’t one boring spot in the entire 475 pages. And the other two in the, Daughters of Boston series, are equally as fabulous as this one. So if you haven’t read, A Passion Most Pure, Book 1, and, A Passion Redeemed, Book 2, you’ve got to make haste and get them.
In, A Passion Denied, things aren’t as they appear. Secret webs of betrayals, lies, deceptions, seductions, stolen kisses, passions denied, and haunting pasts are spun throughout this book, and only God’s miraculous power can change things.
The heroine, Lizzie O’Connor is in love with John Brady and has been since she was thirteen. But John doesn’t return her love and sees her only as his little sister. Can she convince him she’s not a little girl anymore, but a woman—a woman in love?
Demons from the hero’s past haunt John, perpetually tormenting and ravishing his spirit, soul, and body. Those same demons have him fleeing from the opposite sex like a rabbit being pursued by a starving bobcat. Why? What’s he so afraid of? Will he ever be free to love? Or is John called to live a life of service to God, a service that means he can never marry? Or is he running away from something…or someone? If so, whom or what?
Charity is up to her old tricks. Is that bad or good?
Faith’s husband, Collin, is on a mission to get his wife pregnant. Is it because he really wants children, or are other motives at work here?
Patrick O’Connor discovers a hidden secret that threatens to destroy his twenty-seven year marriage to Marcy, the respect of his children, and his walk with God. What is this secret?
These are just a few teasers to whet your appetite. If you want to know the answers to these question, then purchase a copy of, A Passion Denied, to find out the answers. You won’t be sorry.
Until next time...
See ya~ ~ ~
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Love Finds You in Last Chance, California By Miralee Ferrell is a sweet romance.
Even though there is mystery in this story, it’s a very relaxing, soak-in-the-tub-hot-water-and-bubbles sort of read.
Miralee Ferrell’s descriptions are exquisite. She has way of placing you in Last Chance. You can smell the air, hear the creak of saddle leather, the crunching of leaves, and the cocking of guns. The tension is tangible, and the love is sweetly palatable. Miralee’s characters are memorable. Hey, speaking of characters…
Alexia is one tough cookie. No murdering thief is going to get the best of her. Except…Is the man she falls in love with that thief? After all, he’s been hiding a secret from Alexia, and since he’s shown up, her horses are disappearing faster than a gunslinger’s draw.
Alexia’s Father dies of natural causes. Or did he? Before he dies, he hides a precious cargo. Will it remain hidden? Or, will it eventually be found? Just what exactly is it he’s trying to hide that’s so valuable? Or is it valuable? Plus, Alexia is crushed and feels betrayed by her father when she discovers that he, too, has been keeping secrets from her.
Evil lurks around the corner disguised as a friend. But which friend? Will the real enemy please stand up?
Justin discovers that Alex isn’t his friend’s son, but the man’s daughter. Does this make a difference in his plans? A saloon girl comes to town and wants something from Justin. Something she’s willing to risk her life to get it. What does she want? And why?
Many people’s lives are in danger. Why, and who, wants them out of the way?
Well, if you want to know the answers to all these questions, you’ll just have to buy Love Finds You In Last Chance, California to find out. Money well spent.
Great job, Miralee.
Until next time...
See ya~ ~ ~
Debra Ullrick, author of…
The Bride Wore Coveralls
Déjà vu Bride
Dixie Hearts
~ ~ ~
Friday, February 27, 2009
And the winners are...
Sorry it took so long for me to pick winners for two free copies of each title--Déjà vu Bride, and Dixie Hearts (The Bride Wore Coveralls) I've been sick for a couple of weeks, and today I finally felt well enough to have my drawing.
I tell ya, God must have wanted MARY to have a copy of each one of my books. When I first put all the names in a hat and drew them, I pulled out Mary's name for both Dixie Hearts and for Déjà vu Bride. Then I realized that I had forgot to enter a few names, so when my hubby got home, I added the names I'd missed earlier and had him draw two names for Déjà vu Bride, and two names for Dixie Hearts. He, too, pulled Mary's name out for each book.
And CONGRATULATIONS to PATTY, who also won a free copy of Déjà vu Bride
And to HOLLY MAG, who won a free copy of Dixie Hearts (The Bride Wore Coveralls)
Thanks again for entering!
Until next time...
See ya~~~
Sorry it took so long for me to pick winners for two free copies of each title--Déjà vu Bride, and Dixie Hearts (The Bride Wore Coveralls) I've been sick for a couple of weeks, and today I finally felt well enough to have my drawing.
I tell ya, God must have wanted MARY to have a copy of each one of my books. When I first put all the names in a hat and drew them, I pulled out Mary's name for both Dixie Hearts and for Déjà vu Bride. Then I realized that I had forgot to enter a few names, so when my hubby got home, I added the names I'd missed earlier and had him draw two names for Déjà vu Bride, and two names for Dixie Hearts. He, too, pulled Mary's name out for each book.
And CONGRATULATIONS to PATTY, who also won a free copy of Déjà vu Bride
And to HOLLY MAG, who won a free copy of Dixie Hearts (The Bride Wore Coveralls)
Thanks again for entering!
Until next time...
See ya~~~
Monday, February 16, 2009
The Renewal by Terri Kraus

A kiss of history-a hug of renovation-and an embrace of restoration. That's what The Renewal is.
The Renewal by Terri Kraus should really be titled: Sweet Renovation or The Master's Healing Touch.
I received the Master's healing touch while reading this story. I was deeply touched by this story and the character's lives. The Renewal is what Inspiration stories are truly all about--renewal, renovation, and restoration. We all have an area in our life that only the Restoring Hand of God can He did in Leslie and Jack's life. Each had a "demon" to overcome. Neither could do it on their own, no matter how hard they tried.
Just what are these "demons" that possess Leslie and Jack? Will they ever truly be rid of these monsters?
Well, if you really want to know, you'll just have to read, The Renewal, to find out.
Did Leslie do the right thing by moving to the town of Butler? Will her great-great-great grandmother's diary and her heritage catch up with Leslie? The two ladies share a common bond. What is it? Can this old diary help heal the evil that plagues Leslie? Leslie's ex comes to town. What is it that he's after?
Entering Jack. Wow, what a hottie. A hottie with a heart wrenching past. Can Leslie trust him? Better yet, can Jack trust himself? And what will happen when and if Leslie discovers his hidden "demon"? Will she shun him, or will she open up her arms to him?
And then there's Mike. Poor tongue-tied Mike. Will he ever win Leslie's heart? Or is it something else that he's after?
Ava, Ava, sweet little Ava, who knows only too well about her mommy's "demon". After all, she's witnessed it enough. Is that why Ava's daddy divorced her mommy?
There's a bully in this story. A class "A", numero uno jerk. One that I would love nothing more than to slap duct tape across his mouth. Just who is this mongrel anyway?
A mystery lurks behind a door that nobody wants to destroy or that nobody seems to be able to open? How come? And just what is so valuable in that room that somebody obviously did everything in their power to keep people from getting into it?
Well, if you would like to know the answer to all of the above questions, then purchase a copy of The Renewal by Terri Kraus. You won't be sorry.
Fabulous job, Terri. You touched on some very sensitive subjects and handled them very well. I'll be forever changed because of this story.
Until next time...
See ya~~~
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
PICTURE TAG! I'M IT. And you will soon be too! Mwwaaahhhhhaaa.*scary eh?* hehe
Okay, so, I'm suppose to got to my Picture Folders and pick the Fifth Folder, then the Fifth photo. Well, are you ready for this? My fifth folder is my KISSING FOLDER. How kewl is that? Especially with Valentine's Day just right around the corner. Besides, it's just soooo000 romanitical. Don't you think?
Hehe ~~~ I love it.
And now for the unveiling...drum roll please.
And now I'm tagging...
Tracy Ruckman
Staci Stallings
Lena Nelson Dooley
Ane Mulligan
Dennis Bates
Michelle Sutton
So, if you choose to accept this assignment, go to your Pictures Folder, Find the Fifth Folder, open it and find the Fifth picture, and post it on your blog. Then Picture Tag five more people.
Have fun. I did.
Until next time...
See ya~~~
Hehe ~~~ I love it.
And now for the unveiling...drum roll please.
And now I'm tagging...
Tracy Ruckman
Staci Stallings
Lena Nelson Dooley
Ane Mulligan
Dennis Bates
Michelle Sutton
So, if you choose to accept this assignment, go to your Pictures Folder, Find the Fifth Folder, open it and find the Fifth picture, and post it on your blog. Then Picture Tag five more people.
Have fun. I did.
Until next time...
See ya~~~
Monday, January 26, 2009
Love Finds You in Humble, Texas by Anita Higman

Spring breezes and sunshine smiles.
That's what Love Finds You in Humble, Texas is.
Anita Higman's business card says, "Characters you can sink your heart into." That describes the characters in this book to a "T". In fact, I already miss them.
What happens when two sisters fall in love with the same man? One has Mason's heart, but gives it to another. Or does she? And will he get it back? If so, what happens to the heartbroken sister? Will love find her, too? A gift Mason gives heals a heart of guilt. What gift? And who does it heal?
Trudie thinks she's from another planet. Why?
Lane helps to build up her sister's image. What am I talking about? And at what cost?
Then there's Wiley and his protein bars. Wiley, and an African American boy Cyrus, dramatically change Trudie's life. How?
A tiara holds a secret from the past. What secret?
Bloomers Boutique makes a huge sale. To whom, and for what?
Rainbows, and the song Unforgettable are symbolic, and so romantic. For whom? And why?
An unusual career causes women to flee. For whom? And just what is this career change?
Well, did I ask you enough questions to wet your appetite?
If you want to know the answers to all these questions, you have to read Love Finds You in Humble, Texas. Trust me, you won't be sorry.
If you love spending time with amazing characters, then this book is for you. Plus, there are several valuable lessons in Love Finds You in Humble, Texas that you'll have to discover for yourself. My own life, is forever changed because of this amazing story by Anita Higman.
So thank you, Anita. Keep up the awesome work.
Until next time...
See ya ~~~
P.S. While you're here, check out my other posts, where I'm hosting a free drawing of my books, and where an email from my niece touches me deeply. See below. Thank you.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Touched beyond measure
It is with humble tears I post. We just never know whose lives our books will touch. Sometimes we writers ask ourselves..."Why am I doing this? Why do I put myself through all this aggravation? And for what?"
Well, here's for what...
This is an email that my precious niece wrote to me concerning Déjà vu Bride. With her permission, I'm posting her email.
~ ~ ~
Aunt Debbie,
I wanted to let you know how incredible I thought your new book was! I absolutely LOVED every page of it! I wasn't sure that it was possible, but I too think this book was even better than "The Bride Wore Coveralls". Not only was the book entertaining, vivid, and humorous, it really ministered to me. It was a reminder that I've been letting God slip out of my life. Livvy pushed God out when circumstances were bad - I realized I push Him out when things are good. While reading, I was in tears thinking about how tremendously God has blessed my life. He has given me THE most amazing son, saw me through the loss of my mother, given me the gift of true love, and delivered me from my own self destruction. How can I forget to thank Him? The second something goes wrong I immediately turn to God, but when everything is going okay I seem to almost forget about Him. Reading your book has shown me that I need to remember to praise God daily. I thank you for the revelation, it has changed me. Thanking God each day not only brings me closer to Him it reminds me not to take my blessings fore granted.
I am very impressed with your descriptive abilities. Reading your books are like watching a movie in my mind's eye. I also love the characters you develop, very realistic and unique. I am just so proud of you and very excited for you too! It's amazing to see you continue to blossom with each book. Now I'm in the midst of agonizing anticipation waiting for your the next one. LOL! I love love love you Auntie, keep up the awesome work!
Mandee : )
~ ~ ~
Amanda, I love you so very dearly. Thank you for reminding ME why I write. Not just because I love it, but for the very reason you emailed about. So... here's to putting aside the aggravation and frustration that accompanies the writing journey at times. Because of you and Jesus, I am going to...
Write on!
Until next time....
See ya~~~
Well, here's for what...
This is an email that my precious niece wrote to me concerning Déjà vu Bride. With her permission, I'm posting her email.
~ ~ ~
Aunt Debbie,
I wanted to let you know how incredible I thought your new book was! I absolutely LOVED every page of it! I wasn't sure that it was possible, but I too think this book was even better than "The Bride Wore Coveralls". Not only was the book entertaining, vivid, and humorous, it really ministered to me. It was a reminder that I've been letting God slip out of my life. Livvy pushed God out when circumstances were bad - I realized I push Him out when things are good. While reading, I was in tears thinking about how tremendously God has blessed my life. He has given me THE most amazing son, saw me through the loss of my mother, given me the gift of true love, and delivered me from my own self destruction. How can I forget to thank Him? The second something goes wrong I immediately turn to God, but when everything is going okay I seem to almost forget about Him. Reading your book has shown me that I need to remember to praise God daily. I thank you for the revelation, it has changed me. Thanking God each day not only brings me closer to Him it reminds me not to take my blessings fore granted.
I am very impressed with your descriptive abilities. Reading your books are like watching a movie in my mind's eye. I also love the characters you develop, very realistic and unique. I am just so proud of you and very excited for you too! It's amazing to see you continue to blossom with each book. Now I'm in the midst of agonizing anticipation waiting for your the next one. LOL! I love love love you Auntie, keep up the awesome work!
Mandee : )
~ ~ ~
Amanda, I love you so very dearly. Thank you for reminding ME why I write. Not just because I love it, but for the very reason you emailed about. So... here's to putting aside the aggravation and frustration that accompanies the writing journey at times. Because of you and Jesus, I am going to...
Write on!
Until next time....
See ya~~~
Friday, January 23, 2009
I'm so excited. My story,
The Bride Wore Coveralls,
placed in the...
16th Annual Heartsong Awards:
Favorite Contemporary Romance category
2nd place~The Bride Wore Coveralls
Favorite New Author
2nd place~Debra Ullrick
Favorite Cover design
3rd place~The Bride Wore Coveralls
Plus, Dixie Hearts, which features, The Bride Wore Coveralls by Debra Ullrick,
Southern Sympathies by Andrea Boeshaar,
and A Matter of Security by Kay Cornelius
is now available.
You can purchase a copy of Dixie Hearts at:
or at your local bookstore.
Plus, you can buy autographed copies directly from me.
If you would like a chance to win a free copy of either Dixie Hearts or Déjà vu Bride (The sequel to The Bride Wore Coveralls, leave a comment and let me know which title/titles you want your name entered for, and I will add your name to the drawing. If you cannot leave a comment, you can send your request to my email address at christianromancewriter (at) gmail (dot) com (Leave out the spaces and put @ and .com
When leaving a comment, please leave your contact information, and please do it in code, like I did my email address. Use dashes or brackets. Thank you.
Also, if you would like to buy a copy of Déjà vu Bride the shipping is much cheaper when you order it directly through me. Or you can buy the downloadable version. Go to ~ Click on Bookstore ~ then scroll down to Déjà vu Bride.
Thank you for stopping by.
May your days be filled with happy thoughts and sunshine smiles.
Until next time...
See ya~~~
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Woo hoo! I'm so excited. Dixie Hearts is now available.
Dixie Hearts features my novel, The Bride Wore Coveralls, along with two other delightful stories by Andrea Boeshaar and Kay Cornelius.
From the rural swampland, to a charming small town, to a corporate high-rise, romance is brewing a passel of trouble for three women. When Lydia Boswick appears to be a vulnerable widow, three men take notice of her needs-and potential wealth. As Leslie Christopher rises on the corporate ladder, the threat of danger increases, attracting the attention of two men. When Camara Cole challenges her fellow racers, she could lose her vehicle-and her heart-to her greatest competitor. Enjoy the ride as you follow these Alabama women along the rocky road to love.
You can purchase an autographed copy by contacting me via my website,, or you can purchase it at,,,,, or your local bookstore.
Until next time...
See ya~~~
Debra Ullrick
Dixie Hearts features my novel, The Bride Wore Coveralls, along with two other delightful stories by Andrea Boeshaar and Kay Cornelius.
From the rural swampland, to a charming small town, to a corporate high-rise, romance is brewing a passel of trouble for three women. When Lydia Boswick appears to be a vulnerable widow, three men take notice of her needs-and potential wealth. As Leslie Christopher rises on the corporate ladder, the threat of danger increases, attracting the attention of two men. When Camara Cole challenges her fellow racers, she could lose her vehicle-and her heart-to her greatest competitor. Enjoy the ride as you follow these Alabama women along the rocky road to love.
You can purchase an autographed copy by contacting me via my website,, or you can purchase it at,,,,, or your local bookstore.
Until next time...
See ya~~~
Debra Ullrick
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