Favorite Photos

These two pictures are me in my rodeo days. Boy, howdy, have things changed since then. hehe

My hubby in his highschool football days
My handsome cowboy hubby


My beautiful daughter Sharmane

My ornery Manx, who rules the roost

My 1970 CHEVY NOVA hubby built from the ground up. So very proud of him.


This was my first NOVA. I bought it when I was 17. A graduation present to myself.

Hubby's toy~Gotta Do 'Er~ Mud bog racing and four wheeling.

Joe-Joe's toy. My brother's mud bog truck. Now you see it clean...and now you don't~(see below) 

Mud boggin' fun!

Love, love, love monster trucks!

These monster trucks are used by persmission by http://www.crushcars.com/
check them out, okay?

Sick air!!!

Courtesy of http://www.crushcars.com/

I love hummingbirds. These photos are used by permission. Taken by Sandra Heska King @
Thank you, Sandra!
Another photo by Sandra. I titled it ~ ~ ~ Having a bad hair day. hehe Hope you don't mind, Sandra. *smiling*

Here are some of my drawings. I'm not pro, but I enjoyed drawing these...

Portrait of my daughter Sharmane when she was 13.

Portrait of my nephew Chad.

A Western Horseman magazine cartoon I drew for Bill Bock.

Did this in high school.

Practice drawing.

Practice drawing.

A threefold cord is not quickly broken... Eccl.

A drawing I did from a Western Horseman magazine.
Unfinished project.

When I used to doodle...

Another doodle project.

I used to draw on my bank deposit envelopes. Just cuz. *smiling*
Ran out of room so I just called it, The Headless Horseman. *g*
A Christmas card and poem I did years ago.
A present to my FIL for Christmas one year. I did the drawing and the poem and hubby put the rope around it.

Just doodling...
Sharman, my daughter, loved Strawberry Shortcake when she was little, so I drew this for her room.