Saturday, August 20, 2011


Experience Christmas through the eyes of adventuresome settlers who relied on log cabins built from trees on their own land to see them through the cruel forces of winter. Discover how rough-hewed shelters become a home in which faith, hope, and love can flourish. Marvel in the blessings of Christmas celebrations without the trappings of modern commercialism where the true meaning of the day shines through. And treasure this exclusive collection of nine Christmas romances penned by some of Christian fiction’s best-selling authors.

Quadruplets adopted at birth receive letters to claim their inheritance—and the family they never knew. Holly feels betrayed by the news, while Carol prays for a loving family. Starr thinks it’s a hoax, and Noelle needs a break from a hopeless situation. But each will receive the gift of love at Christmas.

If you'd like to win a free copy of A Log Cabin Christmas and Christmas Belles of Georgia, leave a comment. However, there is a catch to this drawing. You must be willing to be an influcencer for these awesome books. An influencer is someone who is willing to promote the book, by telling their friends, family, or writing a positive review, etc. If that's you, then leave your name along with your contact information and I will add your name to the drawing.

Good luck!

Until next time...

See ya ~ ~ ~


Rebecca said...

I would love to win these books and recommend them to those around me. Thanks for the chance to win.


Anonymous said...

Hi. Luv ya girl!

Patty Wysong said...

Both books sound great! =]
patterly (at) gmail (dot) com

Tamara Cooper said...

BOTH books sounds wonderful. They're putting me in the Christmas mood but I have to say: I've never spent a Christmas in a log cabin. That would be so comforting and cozy. My mother has a cabin high up in the mountains and although it isn't made of logs, it is made of old, stained wood (built in the 1940s). It's cozy year-round. I can just see me reading these books at Christmas (*grin*). Thanks, Deb, for the chance to win!

Tamara Cooper said...

I forgot to leave my email so here it is:
tamarawrites (a) hotmail (dot) com

Sandy Nadeau said...

Love your stories! Can't wait for more!! I pray blessings and blessinigs over you. You know that, right?

Sandy Nadeau said...

Oops, me too.-Sandy

Anonymous said...

Would love to read your books Debra! So happy for you on your publishing them.

Mary Connealy said...

Deb, the book sounds wonderful. Don't put my name in the drawing. I've already got it ordered!!!
I love your work.

Margaret Brownley said...

Just thought I'd pop in and say hello. I'm one of the log cabin writers. It's such a blessing to work with so many fine writers. Can't wait to ready your story Debra!

God bless

Edgy Inspirational Author said...

Yay, now I can comment. Enter me!


Jamie Adams said...

They both sound like great books and I'm sure they are!


adamsfammys at yahoo dot com

Debbie Archer said...

This is exciting!

J.J. Jenkins said...

Everything you write has a blessing in it. From the moment I pick up any of your books, I am hooked until the very last page! I would love to be an influencer for you!!! It excites me to share your books! Cheri Horgan (

Anonymous said...

I have loved your other books and really want to read more! I am Cheri's daughter, Stevie. I am posting my reviews everywhere when I get to be an influencer and would love to influence for you! Stevie Jenkins (

Anonymous said...

I am so ready for Christmas this year, and would love to win the free copy to help celebrate His birthday. Please add my name.

Ginger Solomon said...

Books, books, books! I love books. Please enter me in the contest.


Rose Magdalene said...

I love Christmas stories. Please enter me and I'll pass the word around.

Rose Magdalene said...

Well, it left and I don't know where my previous comment went so I'll do it again.

I love Christmas stories and can't wait to read these.

momofthree said...

I would be happy to read the books and review them and pass them on to others to enjoy. Thanks,
Christina Pereira

Anonymous said...

I would love to influence these and would be willing to pass out bookmarks and postcards too.

Anonymous said...

Sign me up! :) I would love to!

srstormo at yahoo dot com

Susan said...

I have already pre-ordered Log Cabin Christmas!!! Would love to win both books.Susan Karsten

Cindy W. said...

I would love to win these books. I love everything Christmas! I would love to review them on my blog and tell family and friends about them too! Thanks for the chance to win!

Debra sent me!

Smiles & Blessings,
Cindy W.


Robin Bayne said...

My critique partner has a story in the cabin collection, I will definitely be saying good things!

Debra Pope said...

I have been collecting your books through your daughter, and I would love to win "Log Cabin Christmas" or "Christmas Belles of Georgia". I enjoy your books so much. Would I be an influcencer? You bet I would... I love telling my family and friends about your books now...Thanks so much,
Debra Pope
PO Box 651
Kremmling, CO 80459

Debra Pope said...

Forgot to leave my email address:
Debbi Pope