Michelle, you refer to yourself as an edgy Christian author. What’s edgy about your writing?
I love to write about things that Christians don’t like to talk about or tend to ignore as if Christians never struggle in those areas. Yeah, that’s kinda vague but it’s because I cover so many topics it’d take awhile for me to list them all.
When did you know you wanted to write?
Let’s see…in 2003 I was six years younger than I am now so that would be when I was 36 years young.
Where do you get your ideas?
From real life situations.
What do you want people to see in your writing?
The grace of God and the unconditional love only He can give.
If someone came up to you and said, I have this story I’ve written and I want to get it published. What would you say to them?
I would laugh hysterically and ask them what in the world they are thinking (I am KIDDING!) Seriously, I would say go for it! Don’t hold back! Write the book of your heart.
If you could interview any actor, who would it be, and why?
Hmmm….I kind of like Trent Ford. He’s a cutie and he’d be the guy who would be Dan if my books were made into movies.
If you could be any person in the world, who would want to be, and why?
I like being myself. I would love to be about twenty to thirty pounds thinner, though.

Don't you just love the cover of DANGER AT THE DOOR? That alone makes me want to read the book.
You have several books coming out with Desert Breeze, an e-book publisher. What would you say to someone who thinks e-books are career suicide?
I think that e-books are great because #1 – no book signings are required, 2 – no postage costs are required, 3 – they can release at the same time as other books but require a lot less time in regards to promotion because they aren’t in bookstores, 4 – they reach an entirely different audience. Most people who read e-books don’t read regular hardbound books anymore so they would miss out on my stories if all I wrote were books that were printed and sold in stores.
What books have you written that still need a home?
Not many these days. I’d say three or four.
What do you want people to know about you? And why?
I’m Deb Ullrick’s favorite phone buddy. I want everyone to know I’ve got first dibs on Deb’s telephone time and I’m the only one who can call her gorgeous and mean it (and not be weird about it.)
Tell us a bit about your family.
I’ve got an awesome hubby who packs me a lunch every day for work and who does a lot of stuff around the house so I can write, do the magazine, etc. He’s very supportive. I’ve got two teens (Junior and Senior in High School) and they are great kids!

Tell us about your upcoming books and where we can buy them.
Too many to count at this point. Look me up on Amazon.com and as the books release you will see them added to my author profile. ;)
Okay, that was a lazy answer. Here is the list.
It's Not About Me - (2008)
Danger at the Door - Desert Breeze (August 2009)
It's Not About Him - Sheaf House (Sept 2009)
First Impressions - Desert Breeze (Jan 2010)
In Plain Sight - Desert Breeze (April 2010)
It's Not About Her - Sheaf House (Sept 2010)
First Love -Desert Breeze (Oct 2010)
First Response - Desert Breeze (June 2011)
Lover of My Soul - Sheaf House (2011)
I'm a huge fan of Michelle, and of all of her books. (Hi, Michelle. Waving profusely over here.) This lady has class when it comes to addressing situations that most people don't want to talk about. She pushes things to the edge in a positive way and entertains you at the same time.
Check out all of her books. To purchase them, you can click the links on her website at
Hope you've enjoyed this interview with Michelle. Be sure to check out her website.
Thanks for stopping by.
Until next time...
See ya~~~
Debra Ullrick 2nd place winner in the 16th Annual Heartsong Awards Favorite New Author category
The Bride Wore Coveralls, 2nd place winner in the 16th Annual Heartsong Awards Favorite Contemporary Romance category
Déjà vu Bride, the sequel to, The Bride Wore Coveralls, Spirit Light Books
Dixie Hearts, Barbour publishing
http://www.debraullrick.com/ http://www.christianromancewriter.blogspot.com/
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I enjoyed this interview very much. It's so nice to learn a little about some of these wonderful authors.
I love the answer Michelle had to the question.....If she could be anyone in the world, who would she be? And she said, herself!
I loved that answer...I feel the same way.
Thank you Debra & Michelle for this wonderful interview.
Deb, You are the coolest! I can't wait to see you in Sept!!!
I love the fact that you write about things others don't. You write of real-life situations, and I appreciate that!
I love how the eBook market is becoming more popular. Michelle you are a pioneer in so many ways. I love the edginess your books have and that you are a trail blazer. I wish you all the best.
It was SO EXCITING to meet you in person last year, Michelle, at the ACFW conference. I had JUST gotten your first book and while we were meeting in person, my husband was at our kids' home reading it (and not being able to put it down). We are both big fans of your writing and from our home in Colorado, are CHEERING YOU ON!! Now I am off to check out your website to see about that ebook you got going.
Pam Williams
cepjwms at wb4me dot com
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