Thursday, December 28, 2006

Vickie McDonough's, Spinning Out of Control

Woo wee! I just finished reading, Spinning Out of Control. It's one of those stories you don't want to put down. And what an opener. Vickie seized my attention right from the beginning and kept it riveted throughout the whole story. I wanted to camp out with Micah, Amy, Jonah, Sookie, and Tierney. I loved that even her villain Hank wasn't a total creep. You end up kind of feeling sorry for the poor schmo.

Spinning Out Of Control reminds me of a mail order bride story. Amy's homeless. So she goes to her cousin Kathryn's farm in hopes that she will let her stay. But when she arrives, she finds: Kathryn in labor, a lone black man, who quickly rushes out the door at Amy's arrival, a little girl, and no husband. And I'm not going to tell you anymore. You have to buy the book. *smiling*

Happy reading!


Anonymous said...

Sorry it took me so long to post. I got stranded in the middle of nowhere in a government vehicle and had to wait nearly two hours for a tow truck. SO....I just got home an hour ago. I can no longer access any blogs at work or I would've done it already. Hugs!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your sweet comments about my book, Deb. I'm glad you enjoyed Spinning Out of Control.

I can't wait to read your book!
